Horse Feed
To help owners to get maximum performance from their horse and producers of Forerunner Triticale Hay get the best return for the quality of the hay they produce. Massif Alliance is offering the following service.
Massif Alliance has set up this page to allow horse owners to nominate their requirements in terms of quantity and quality. The site also will allow producers of Forerunner hay to advertise their product.
The horse owner needs to know they are getting a quality product that is free from mould and weather damage.
The hay producer who may sacrifice per/ha production to get a high ME, MJ/Kg hay. Needs to know they get a commensurate price increase.
This service would be available early enough so buyer and producer could plan together to get the quality hay required along with storage and transport. This also could allow the horse owner to purchase early and control the way the hay is stored.
The service would be free with the only proviso that the hay is tested by Independent Service Laboratories to standardise the quality parameters of the product. Massif Alliance would work with the owner
John Milton to make sure the test suits the requirements for horses. Also at a price that benefits Forerunner hay growers.
The average horse eats 1.5 to 2% of its body weight each day and if the quality of the hay is sufficient it can help to be a major part of their feed requirements.
Horse owners and hay producers who may be interested in this service. Please go to the contact section of this page and send the feed back form and we will send you further information.