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Massif Oats

 “Introducing New Products & Ideas” 

Utilise Massif oats to:   Increase  Cropping   +   Retain  Stock = Extra income

Massif is a line from the Magnum oats species which has its origins in Europe. Known for it’s rapid growth that produces plants over 2 meters if not-grazed.


    Massif is small seeded with good seedling vigour and tillering. Not unlike sorghum in       taste, the plant is sweet, very palatable and preferred by stock over other oat varieties.     It makes great hay, silage or green chop. Many farmers call it “cow candy”.

Massif oats are a side oat variety whose seedlings grow upright at lower seeding rates of 50 to 75 kg per ha which is equal to 120 kg/ha of traditional oats.


The plants stools strongly, have long wide leaves and resist lodging. The seed themselves are small and a Kg contains about 50,000 seeds.


While the crop produces high dry matter yields. The highest protein level of 12 to 14% combined with the highest total digestible nutrients (TDN) occur during the boot to milk stage.

At this time their growth the plants are about 1.5 metres (5 feet) tall.

Holding off the cut until the oats are taller and seeds are forming reduces the protein content.

Massif oats have been bred to have the ability to bounce back after early grazing and still produce a fodder crop. It was also developed as a nurse crop for annual legumes such as Vining legumes, clover and lucerne. A mixture of Massif and climbing legumes make an excellent silage or freshly fed green chop in dairy operations.


Farmer experience shows there is less spoilage from the hay, as it is more palatable so animals eat much more of it before it gets soiled.


Fertilisation requirements are similar to other grain production where good yield are expected and depends on inherent soil fertility, management and crop rotation.


Kernel and groat of the seed is rather small, thus the variety is not suited for grain production.

Seed yield is also low and when this is combined with the requirement to have to swath this tall species seed production is expensive.


WA experience;
When Rob Ladyman of Katanning first established the line in WA. Massif Oats was considered to be only a hay crop.

Most farmers still grow it as a hay crop because of the bulk it produces. As it turns out the grazed crop has less stalk so the hay is not as fibrous and higher protien.


This crop of Massif Oats in September of the drought year of 2010 had been grazed 2 times at 100 dse/Ha.  


State Wide

Rodney Field                    0428 899 010   Email; Rodney 


Rob Ladyman                   0427 210 017  


Southern Region;


Murray Field                     0429 632 157


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